How TikTok Coins Conversion Works

How to buy TikTok Coins, conversion to Diamonds & gifts and withdraw for real cash.
Convert TikTok Diamonds to money, how much is 100 coins worth now?

TikTok Coins, TikTok Diamonds and gifts are an excellent way to generate income while live streaming on TikTok.

When users want to support a live streamer, they first purchase Tiktok coins. Coins are then converted into diamonds or gifts.

How TikTok Coins Conversion Works investing zest

How Do I Convert TikTok Coins To Money

TikTok Coin is a currency inside TikTok, that users buy with real cash.

TikTok charges fee to convert Coins to Diamonds.

TikTok Diamond is what users gift to a Live host.

TikTok Diamond price fluctuates based on supply & demand.

Live host can only withdraw real cash. Withdrawal option used by most live hosts is to withdraw to PayPal.

TikTok charges additional fee to convert Diamonds to real cash.

How Much Money Is 1 Coin On TikTok

Cost to buy one TikTok coin was recently around 1.3 cents but price varies based on supply & demand.

Also if you are purchasing for the first time, you get a welcome package that gives you bonus coins. So first time purchase comes at a coins discount.

Price can change with time and can also be influenced based on where you live, what IP you use, conversion from your local currency to USD…

Convert TikTok Coins To Money

If converting TikTok Diamonds back to TikTok Coins inside your TikTok account, then exchange rate is 1 TikTok Coin = $0.01 (subject to change)

To withdraw real cash, TikTok charges 50% fee (subject to change).

How Many Coins In TikTok Is a Dollar?

If take above exchange rate of 1 TikTok Coin = $0.01, then 1 US Dollar = 100 TikTok Coins.

How Much Is 1000 TikTok Coins Worth?

If take above exchange rate of 1 TikTok Coin = $0.01, then 1,000 TikTok Coins are worth 10 USD.